“How will my life change after my experiences this year?” Topics: Relationship — Italy — Senior in College. You’re starting to question many of your choices, such as the choice of your major. You wonder if you are headed in the right direction. But never fear—it’s been a tremendous growth period and you will ultimately wear many hats. Your pick of a major is okay. You will use what you learned to reap additional rewards in other areas.
Be For, Not Against
Let’s look at our upcoming election. Not in a factual way, but with new eyes: our soul eyes. They are located in two places: our divinely spiritual third eye, centered on the forehead just above our eyes, and in our heart — the largest energetic center we have! In my heart, I feel that we all don’t need to come together factually, we need to come together vibrationally. For the good of one and all, we must journey beyond excessive thinking and move into our heart. Oh, you say, isn’t my brain in my head and that’s where my decisions come from? Yes, it can be difficult to leave the logical world and enter the space of feeling and emotion. But when we live too much in our head, we bypass our true nature and our authentic selves. We obsess about the facts and our choices.
Put it Out There
My husband and I recently brought a new dog into our lives from a local shelter. We weren’t really too serious about adopting a dog, but we went out a couple of times to investigate. It was a tough decision because we had become used to our freedom: what happens if we get a really tough dog to handle, or if we have issues with training and adapting? I called on all of our past dogs for help in the matter: “Please help us find a good dog, preferably small, no shedding, and obedient. When the time is right, let us know.” Little did I know that soon after I put out the request we would find our dog!
Slow Down!
I notice many people with a phone attached to their ear as they are walking down the street. Cell phone usage in stores, on mass transit, in cars, and many people who keep their blackberry on, even when they sleep, are all indicators that we are definitely losing the big picture. I often see the same woman walking for exercise, and every time she is talking on her phone. Children of all ages are sending text messages all day long and playing on the computer a good portion of the evening.
Sparking Change in a Relationship
“What is the best way to spark changes in a relationship, be it a marriage, friendship, or parent/child?” The very best way is to “see” the change. Pivot your viewpoint and see only joy, love and contentment. View the relationship exactly as you would like it to be—as if it is already happening.