Syrian refugees, terrorists, internet hacks, stock market shifts, storms, global warming, children being exploited, women striving for educational and personal freedom, the face and farce of politics. This is just a small list…
And on the opposite side~
Europe opening its collective heart to take in refugees, Malala changes the world with her courageous strength and Pope Francis shows the world compassion with honest goodness, love and spirituality, not division; social media spreads not only the news, but good deeds worldwide. Depending on what you focus on in your network feeds, any news you take in or what you pay attention to the most can affect you vibrationally. The seeds blow all over the place don’t they?
Yep, changing times. Are you complaining, agitated, overwhelmed, prone to outbursts, or are you observing the ripeness of the moments, seeing the light and expectation of new beginnings?
So what does this have to do with The Age of Aquarius?
Well, if you can’t see and feel the upheaval and change then I trust you are holed up in some back office somewhere with no outside influence at all.
The Age of Aquarius has been talked about for years. And coincidentally the time we are in now and during a period in the 60’s and 70’s indicate the planetary aspects then and now are similar if not the same. Remember–love and peace, freedom for all, you’re not the only one? We knew it as a movement and turns out it wasn’t just a phase.
By the way, I am not an astrologer by any means but I do love the tools. As much as I read and try to remember about all things astrological, I’m not even a neophyte. You have the means to see what these ages are, where we have come from and where we’re headed at your fingertips. Never hesitate to look to the stars and planets, to numerology, to tarot, or quantum physics, spiritual work, into your heart, the possibilities are endless.
You can feel the message of love and acceptance by distancing yourself from the things that disturb your divine nature.
One moment I’m up and open to all the possibilities, and the next I’m thrown down the rabbit hole wondering what just happened. Change comes in with challenging aspects as we accept or deny it’s swift movement.
How about you? Are you pushing against change?
As I see it, we are in a pot of boiling water. It’s getting fast and furious and sooner or later it will simmer down and dissipate. I actually talk about this all the time. It’s a worthwhile analogy. It suddenly reminded me of my mother saying “simmer down!” Thank you for coming in with that Mom!
I’ll admit that I have to check my emotions sometimes and I find it difficult to stay centered when I’m around people who are always negative. If I’m being negative, it feels heavy and sticky. Which I might add is my issue and no one else’s when I take it in. It requires observation and letting go. Practice this and you will see it too.
I urge you to take stock of where your thoughts are taking you.
Are you getting wrapped up in negative emotions and ideas that might not even be your own? Check in with yourself, you are a presence with a voice.
I have had many teachers, personally and through extensive study. I continue to share their words of wisdom and my own as I continue this interesting and empowering journey.
What is the Age of Aquarius? Well in a nutshell we were in the Piscean Age from 0 AD till just recently. Now we will be in the Age of Aquarius for 2000 years. How symbolic is it to be a part of this? I am thrilled beyond comprehension! Each age has symbolized growth in one way or another. Pisces was an age of hierarchy and power to say the least, and now we enter the time of Knowing. A time to Be to Be. You of course have the ability to look all of this up. This is so big and so full of expression and change that I have a hard time wrapping myself around what I should put down here!
It’s Love and Peace. A time of coming together, breaking boundaries, opening doorways, settling the dust, cleaning our historical files, opening our hearts. It’s all about sharing, accepting, observing without judgement, and breathing in the heartbeat of life.
Do you feel the excitement? Do you see the grid of possibilities and synchronistic paths with different modalities? I started seeing them when I was just 14 years old. The patterns of everything really intertwine. The very tools that some think are suspect or different are actually very much available to us all, and part of the divine order.
Here are a few reminders from many masters. All of this has been said from the beginning of time in many different ways and it’s what resonates with my heart.
Contrast is necessary
If we all were the same, it would get boring. Color, flair, difference, attitude, ideas, and opinions are needed. If you like where you’re at- good. If you can’t see the journey of someone else without shaming them, you are not shutting the door on them but on yourself. Allow the beauty of someone who is at peace with their life.
Live in the Moment
Right now, this moment is precious because you can change your thought to match your dream. Believe me when I say I practice all the time. I slip, and when I allow myself to notice it as just that, I then allow the hope, the majesty, and something magical that can be felt once practiced. My mood shifts with breath and awareness of how I want to feel. I am the creator of my Now.
You’ll Never Get it All Done
You know this is true! There always another golden ring, another destination, another drum to beat. Enjoy each moment, each struggle, each lesson, and each victory. New stories will just keep coming at you.
All any of us want to do is be happy, being uniquely ourselves, ordering in whatever it is that makes us shine. We’re part of the bigger picture, the grid, the divine order of the Universe.
I’m honored to work with you and happy to say that I’m humbled with your stories, your lives and your courage. I’m a channel in my work. I feel, see and put out the messages that come in for you. I realize that it is difficult to steer clear of the mayhem. When I do my intuitive work, I let go of “thinking” and come into my center of “knowing.” No matter what kind of day it is, no matter what’s going on in my own life- I release and go into that center when I do this work. That’s how I answer your questions, from another point of reference. A beautiful place of knowing.