My Soul Teacher ☙ Rebecca Smith

Changing Time – The Age of Aquarius

Syrian refugees, terrorists, internet hacks, stock market shifts, storms, global warming, children being exploited, women striving for educational and personal freedom, the face and farce of politics. This is just a small list… And on the opposite side~Europe opening its collective heart to take in refugees, Malala changes the world with her courageous strength and Pope Francis shows the world compassion with honest goodness, love and spirituality, not division; social media spreads not only the news, but good deeds worldwide. Depending on what you focus on in your network feeds, any news you take in or what you pay attention to the most can affect you vibrationally. The seeds blow all over the place don’t they? Yep, changing times. Are you complaining, agitated, overwhelmed, prone to outbursts, or are  you  observing the ripeness of the moments, seeing the light and expectation of new beginnings? So what does this have to do with The Age of Aquarius? Well, if you can’t see and feel the upheaval and change then I trust you are holed up in some back office somewhere with no outside influence at all. The Age of Aquarius has been talked about for years. And coincidentally the time we are in now and during a period in the 60’s and 70’s indicate the planetary aspects then and now are similar if not the same. Remember–love and peace, freedom for all, you’re not the only one? We knew it as a movement and turns out it wasn’t just a phase. By the way, I am not an astrologer by any means but