My Soul Teacher ☙ Rebecca Smith

Shift to Positive Energy!

I spend a good deal of time encouraging my clients to “shift.” Since positive energy is so much a part of my speaking and teaching, I feel the means to reach it should be here on my blog. By the way, I do a lot of shifting myself! Sometimes we find ourselves in a funk for whatever reason: a stressful day, waking up on the wrong side of bed, challenges at work or at home… Admit it—we’re all bombarded with a myriad of difficult situations every day. How we stack them up is a barometer of our feelings at any given time. More importantly, it’s a way to see what else we may be allowing into our energetic field that might be creating a tornado of chaos.

Embracing Change

When we notice change and think about it or agonize over it as the case may be, we realize we are continually evolving, changing, becoming. If we don’t embrace change, then what are our options? It seems much better to feel good, even if it requires a bit of “reorganizing”. I try always to focus on the present moment, because the present is the only time that offers us choices.

The Energy of Money

“Food, shelter, happiness and love are the necessities of a healthy life. But oddly, money is what most wish for. What would happen if we wished directly for what we want?” Great question! We are very much a society that feels we should “see” something to believe it, aren’t we? When we have money, we surely must have everything. We wear it like a badge of honor. This makes me remember the old saying, “Whoever has the most toys wins.”

Slow Down!

I notice many people with a phone attached to their ear as they are walking down the street. Cell phone usage in stores, on mass transit, in cars, and many people who keep their blackberry on, even when they sleep, are all indicators that we are definitely losing the big picture. I often see the same woman walking for exercise, and every time she is talking on her phone. Children of all ages are sending text messages all day long and playing on the computer a good portion of the evening.