My Soul Teacher ☙ Rebecca Smith

Balancing Intuitive and Social Skills in Children

“My 4 year old daughter is very smart and creative, but sometimes has trouble focusing and following rules in preschool and at home. We haven’t yet found her niche, or what she really loves to do. How do we encourage her intuitiveness and creativity while still making sure she succeeds in school and other social situations?” The first thing to understand is that your daughter is young enough to be very connected to the other side. While she may not have the words to communicate this, nonetheless she has a foothold in both places. This is a wonderful, imaginative time indeed!

How to find peace and quiet in everyday life

“I live in one of the busiest and noisiest places in the world, New York City. Some nights I have difficulty sleeping due to outside distractions. How and where can I find peace and quiet in my everyday life?” We all have moments when it is difficult to surrender our repetitive thoughts and let go of the difficult aspects of our day. This is usually a reminder to breathe, be still, and come fully into the present. Mindful breathing is crucial to your higher self. It is the one thing you can do to become more present with any distraction in your life, whether on the street, in the office, or late at night when you are restless. So breathe deeply and consciously whenever you can!

Using Your Sixth Sense

This Journal entry was born when I spotted these words printed on my tea bag: “Your head must bow to your heart.” As a teacher, I know my sixth sense is the most important. While I honor the other five, I know that our sixth is the biggest in the scope of sheer power if utilized on a regular basis. Like a muscle, we can use it or lose it. It is the most divinely connected, like an always-available telephone line to our higher consciousness. It is always ready, just like a trusted friend who will gladly drop everything when you call.