My Soul Teacher ☙ Rebecca Smith

Join The Big Shift!

We’re in such an exciting time! Do you feel it?  Change is upon us, and is long overdue. This is a time when major shifts are occurring in our culture, economy, and spiritual awareness. Those who are aware and awake predicted all of this. The old paradigms we’ve lived by for centuries just aren’t working anymore. So here we are on the brink of a new beginning. A global rebirth that has been in the works for a very, very long time.

Be For, Not Against

Let’s look at our upcoming election. Not in a factual way, but with new eyes: our soul eyes. They are located in two places: our divinely spiritual third eye, centered on the forehead just above our eyes, and in our heart — the largest energetic center we have! In my heart, I feel that we all don’t need to come together factually, we need to come together vibrationally. For the good of one and all, we must journey beyond excessive thinking and move into our heart. Oh, you say, isn’t my brain in my head and that’s where my decisions come from? Yes, it can be difficult to leave the logical world and enter the space of feeling and emotion. But when we live too much in our head, we bypass our true nature and our authentic selves. We obsess about the facts and our choices.