The day is sleepy and quietly nearing the moment of rolling into a new beginning. I call you to sit with me this evening and into the night. I am asking you to guide me to the deepest part of myself. The brave part. The all knowing, secure, always present part.
I have walked through another day with every bit of moxie I can muster. Keeping myself afloat. Moving through this change with a smile, and a nod towards better days ahead. My arms are outstretched; I am balancing on an imaginary tightrope. I am not afraid.
I know this routine. I have seen it a million times. This time I can move quickly along the rope. It feels invigorating. It feels glorious.
Will you help me tonight? Will you bring the answers and help me to recognize them immediately without the strain of wondering? Will you hold my hand and acknowledge my goodness? Will you remind me of my wholeness and prepare me for the next day and the next?
I am ready. I can feel that I have been ready forever, but now the moving sidewalk is starting to pick up speed. It’s not a race anymore. It’s a natural progression. I don’t have to hold on anymore. You have my back. You always did, but it is just now that I finally understand it. You are there but I am also there. A spark that ignites the knowing surrounds me.
Lead me, but remember to stay behind me as well. Surround me with your wings of gold and silver. Be my guide and teach me to be the master of my destiny. Allow the truth and light to reach me in sleep. Tomorrow shines bright in this night of good deeds.